57 - Anthropomorphic Stüssy S (Cypress Hill - Rock Superstar)

This week, first-time guest Tony Boswell details his childhood love of Cypress Hill’s orchestra-filled, crossover hit, “Rock Superstar,” and how rap rock in general was a way to connect with both sides of his multicultural family.

We dissect the spooky, goofy music video which seems to be at complete odds with the message of the lyrics, Cypress Hill channeling their superstardom into a lucrative free-weed racket, and a plethora of late 90’s artifacts, including evil jacks in the box, evil jesters, 8 balls, and the mysteriously ubiquitous Stüssy S.

Also: Scaring away extended family members and potential stepdads with Van Halen and Slipknot, ghost congas, and monkey grease.

Good music: Drake's Views and Death Grips' Bottomless Pit